Monday, April 27, 2009


Carter loves loves loves to eat puffs in his hi-chair. He's very careful picking them up and putting them in his mouth. 
Cole is drinking milk out of his favorite sippy cup and having a sloppy joe. Chris sings the "sloppy joe" song for him...sloppy joe...slop sloppy's by Adam Sandler. I'm going to try to get a video of it someday. HILARIOUS! 
Carter loves being outside. Doesn't love the sunscreen I slather him up in...he tries really hard to avoid it!
It was warm last week so he wore short-alls. I was trying to get a nice picture of his cute smile and fat legs...but he was more interested in the buttons on our chairs.....

Cole and Carter had their first bath together. Cole's been asking for a few weeks if they could take a bath together. We finally said OK. I was worried about Carter being strong enough to sit up-right. Carter splashed and Cole washed him with his new Avon roller soaps Grama Trudy gave him for Easter. Cole was pretty excited and he's a professional big brother. He's so caring and considerate of Carter. Every night before they go to bed Cole has to give Carter a big kiss and hug. It seriously melts my heart......I'm sure in a few years they'll be fighting like crazy over cartoons and who is allowed to sit in the front I'm enjoying this right now. Cole is really a sweetheart with a tender heart....even if he is on 100 mph most of the time!