I really really hope she has a nest full of eggs so we'll have babies. It has been so fun to watch her and a few other "red breasted robins" fly around. Now when we turn on the water we all talk to her. I'm hoping she'll get used to us and she will stick around. The nest she built is quite impressive. I think she's a good momma robin..or excuse me...red breasted robin as Cole would say.....
Here she is. She is just gorgeous!
Here's a good picture of her nest. I hope it's filled with little babies!
Here she is. She is just gorgeous!
Here's a good picture of her nest. I hope it's filled with little babies!
The other little bird in our family is Mr. Carter. Carter is just all smiles. And chub!
Daddy checking Carter out...
Carter checking Daddy out...
Daddy checking Carter out...
Carter checking Daddy out...
Cute boys.