Thursday, June 4, 2009


Well it was our 5 year anniversary and here is Chris...and Me.....but we didn't get a picture of us together. I'm going to have to morph us together or something....

Here is Carter and Coley. We are going for a walk. We do this ALOT
Carter tries to pull off his hat for the first 10 minutes after I put it on him...then he gives up. This is another failed attempt here! 
This is Chris and 6 a.m.....see Cole below!
I am not even kidding...this is 6 a.m. Cole is decked out in all his "gear". 

6 a.m.

Cole has been working on his MAP all year long at school. He finished it on the last day of school. We are going to frame it and hang it in the kitchen with all his artwork. He cut each continent out and then labeled them all. Big project! 
This is Cole's idea of Friday night fun....licorice whiskers.....
I'm a little confused.....
But Chris was all about it!