Thursday, September 17, 2009


Guess who is walking?
Mr. Carter and he looooves it!
Here he is with Grandma Kathy.
Water break!
Teach them when they are young.....
Carter looooves balls.
Here he is walking....or at least getting ready to.

This is my little sister, Whitney. Cute cute cute!
Mr. Cole

Ah...I know I'm so behind on blogging! I have a few projects going on and I just can't seem to sit down long enough to post pictures....although I sit at my computer all day (and night!) until now! So this will be Part I, II and III. Alot of great things are going on and the kids are doing fabulous!

This is Cole's new game. "The Rock Game" After we put him to bed last week I was doing some housework and I saw this in his doorway.

He is always coming up with new games...this one is called "The Rock Game". He put the game sheet on his stool and arranged the rocks correctly. Chris has played with him...but I haven't yet. I'm hoping to soon! He's sooooo creative!

This is Carter. I'm making dinner and he doesn't want to sit in his high chair any longer. Chris was trying to feed him some delicious baby food.

Here's what I made for dinner. Homemade PIZZA! Even the sauce was home made with basil and fresh mozzarella cheese.
About to go into the oven. (this is a Martha recipe)
In the oven....