Thursday, August 5, 2010

Does Life Ever Slow Down?

Enjoy the pics....I won't be posting for about a week and a 1/2. It's a busy time. I'm off to a weekend in Boise to celebrate with the artists, the Idaho Commission on the Arts,  and my good 'ol buddy Butch Otter, Cowboy (er Governor) of Idaho. The 300 artists submitted their artwork for Paint the State and the Gala is to congratulate the winners! We had over 300 artists create public art in the name of an important message: Meth, Not Even Once. I'll post pictures from the weekend. 

It should be a wonderful time.

Next week is Youth Jam. The following week I'm taking a break from work to prepare Cole for 1st grade and will be BACK TO SCHOOL! 

Busy busy. And in between all that....our baby boy turns 2! 

Now. How did that happen?