Tuesday, August 30, 2011

2nd Day of School

2nd day of school. 

Carter goes on Monday's and Wednesday's. Also, Carter has been discussing school non-stop since yesterday. He painted a sun. His teacher, Mrs. Copp told him he was a great artist. He's been telling me this again and again. It's pretty awesome. He will go again tomorrow. 

I am meeting up with Cole at 12:15 for Mass in the park Wednesday and then lunch aftwards with his class. So we will pack a sack lunch for both of us tomorrow and on my lunch break I will spend it with our nearly 7 year old...who is growing up in leaps and bounds. We are loving it. 

As for the weather....I think we will have a wonderful Fall. 

So far the weather is still in the high 80's and we are enjoying the warm evenings as Summer lingers. 

Showing us their new school shoes.