Friday, November 25, 2011

Friday Fun with Dad

I'm shocked. Chris braved the craziness of Black Friday and took the kids to Sports Authority.
Sweatbands and all. These kids are ready to go.

Thanksgiving Fun

Thanksgiving 2011 was a major success. We had dinner with Kathy and Bob on Wednesday night and it was beyond delish. From the beautiful china Kathy set on the table to the delicious yams we had a great time. The kids even put on a performance for us in the living room singing Christmas carols. I just wish I would have recorded it. It was priceless. They set up a stage with decorations.

Next up we headed to Swan Valley for a big dinner with everyone on Thursday. Uncle Casey and Aunt Wendy provided some gourmet turkey and side dishes. The funeral potatoes from Jamie's kitchen were so good. Everyone kept filling their plates with more and more. Madison made delish yams with molasses and the Trudy did not disappoint with some wonderful casseroles. Grama June whipped up some delicious pumpkin pies too!

All in all both dinners were picture perfect right out of a Norman Rockwell painting.
The truth be told...the food was outstanding...but the company is what made it all the better. My nephew, Henry chasing our kids around at Bob and Kathy's was priceless fun. 

In Swan Valley all the cousins played in the snow, snowmobiled, and Carter and Gracelynn chased Lucy (whom they call Wucy) around and around and around. Laughing and giggling as loud as they could. 

After that fun they sat down to play Barbies.
We have such much to be thankful for. 

Happy Holidays! Now I can officially begin listening to Christmas music without any harassment.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Dentist Appointments-A first for Carter

A little bit nervous....

Feeling a bit more comfortable....

Cole is the old pro. He has upgraded to the 'big kid' area of his pediatric dentist office. 

Balloons and stickers and we are all done. 

And...hello. Babe's Bakery. Seriously. Are you kidding me. Chris says, "Diet? What diet?" 

Yes, that's right. It's Thanksgiving the "diet" word does not exist. 

Powercut anyone from Apple Athletic Club? Maybe a double dose for me. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Turkey Day Haircuts

Both kids had their hair cut into shorter 'shags' and it's very cute. Cole had the stylist style his hair into a mohawk....oy vey! After we returned home both of the kids jumped into the shower because they were so itchy. I hardly recognized Carter with his new shorter do'. The kids are very excited for Thanksgiving. Cole has requested the drumstick and Carter would like the head.
We haven't told Carter yet that we don't eat the head...pretty funny...a little gross...but mostly funny. 

Happy Thanksgiving! Lots of photos to come. 
Love to you all.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Backyard Fun

Every penny that Cole has either earned or received from the tooth-fairy he has saved so he could purchase a real football. Here it is. It's pretty much a big deal. 

Carter Smith. So cute and funny. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Turkey Lurkey

Someone is a tired turkey. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Note to self.

Do not under any circumstance decide to "watch a few YouTube vidoes on how to cut hair" and then cut your own bangs. The results are going to be a total disaster. Guaranteed.

Big ol' disaster. Not. Cute.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A trip down memory lane

Cole had a project for school to work on today so we started looking back at photos. He needed to make a timeline of his life for his book project this November. (By the way, I can't believe it's already mid-November. Holy cow. Where are the days and weeks going. This is ridiculous.) 

I pulled out a few really fun photos of the kids. 
What is really amazing is looking back through the pictures I now really see the resemblance Carter has for Cole. At school the kids call Carter "Mini-Cole". I did not know about this until a few weeks ago we were driving to school in the morning and Carter told Cole and I that he really didn't like being called "Mini Cole" and that his  name is Carter Miff (He says Smith as's pretty priceless. I will be very sad when he says it correctly to be totally honest.) Anyways, that is when Cole explained in more detail that in the morning when they walk to the doors together to the spot the kids line up all of Cole's friends in 2nd grade greet Carter as "Mini Cole". 

As cute as I think that is. And I think it's very cute. I understand Carter not wanting to be his big brother's shadow. So we talked about Cole making sure his friends understood to call him Carter. Who really knows if they will listen or if it's even that big of an issue. Most likely I'm over protective and worried about something that will work it's self out and is just simply fun and games. We do laugh about it at home and Carter reminds Cole often that he's not "Mini Cole". Take a look at the photos and decide for yourself. I think the kids are twins to each other. 


Cole and Me



Cole first day of preschool at Holy Rosary 

Carter first day of preschool at Holy Rosary

Both kids. First day of school 2011