Friday, December 16, 2011

Week Recap

This week was a big one. Cole had his first orthodontist appt that was more than just xrays. 

They took impressions of his mouth first. 

The 3rd time was the charm. It's a tough process to have the gooey rubbery impression stuff in your mouth on the trays. I told Cole when I had braces they had to find the biggest tray in the office for my top jaw. I must have a ginormous jaw. It was humiliating---especially since I was 16. Cole did great but he was pretty nervous. And, by the way...he too is cursed with the huge jaw was a process to find a tray that would work for him. So glad to have passed that awesome quality trait onto him. (sigh) 

After the impressions were done (finally) it was time for the spacers. Both Cole and I didn't realize or know what this entailed. We thought it would be a simple piece of plastic in between a few teeth. 

Um. No. Try 8 spacers. Cole was very brave but it was very painful and I feel awful it has been so painful for him. Today he's doing much better and his teeth have moved like they were supposed to and now his mouth doesn't hurt as much as it did the first day. But, it's been a steady diet of all soft food for him this week. Lucky for Cole this includes alot of ice cream and alot of milk. That's the plus side for him. We go back on Tuesday for the retainer/spacer contraption. Fingers crossed the worst is over.....
(The only saving grace in this process is Cole will be able to have rubber bands that are 
Notre Dame's team colors. I'm not even kidding about that.) 

In other news: 

Carter made his first ornament at school and he hung it on the tree. 
Yes, we hang our stockings on the tree too. 

Taa-daa. Here it is. Carter's first ever ornament. 

Here's a Cole ornament. 

Another Cole ornament from preschool. 

Cole also had a scout meeting last night and he was the 'Denner' which means he was in charge of the meeting and lead the flag ceremony. (This also means Cole brings the snack for the week...or actually his parents bring the snack.) 

The activity for the week was to show the kids collections. 

Cole brought his Hot Wheel and "Cool" Car Collection. 

It was very cool.