Friday, January 27, 2012

Pretty Exciting Week

This was a pretty fun week. Martin (Sexypants) Sexton visited Idaho Falls and performed at the Colonial Theater. With the fabulous Miss Joy's help from work we were able to snag a photo of him, autograph and I even got a nice hug. He's from Boston and is what I would consider 'under the radar' with his music but the fun part is he wants to stay there and has even released his last "CD" free from his website. He's a nice cool guy from a family of 10 kids. He's also 5' 5" inches so we were both pretty much the same height and that was fun. These are the perks of working for a Performing Arts Center. I can stalk or I mean  meet the performers an chat them up before they go on stage. 

So enough about me. This week was fun as it was my moms birthday and I took a few days off so the kids and I had some time to visit Barnes and Noble and they were pretty excited to spend their Barnes and Noble giftcards from Grama LeeAnn. We had a good time!