Thursday, July 9, 2009


It seems every Thursday night we take the kids out to dinner. I think by Thursday night I'm tired and Chris is as well so it's a nice treat. We don't usually go out on the weekends. It's been a while since we had a "date night" out of the house. My favorite "date night" is ordering pizza and getting a good movie on pay-per-view. We have also been watching re-runs of Entourage in preparation of the new season that starts on Sunday on HBO. If you don't watch this show we highly recommend it. It's FUNNY! My favorite character is Ari Gold....Chris loves Drama....seriously awesome show! Anyways....back to what I was saying...we have gone out a few weeks in a row now on Thursday night. It just seems to sound good and it's a nice break from my many Martha Stewart pasta creations. Everytime I go to the store I buy at least 2 boxes of pasta....but that's a different story. I have 12 boxes of pasta in the pantry right now. I must stop myself!

Back to my point (focus...Catherine...focus!)

We went to Brownstone (again) and then got a sno cone for Cole and Cole ran up and down the hills around the green belt...see below... (my pics are out of order but I hope you can understand)

Sno Cone time. Cole ordered "shrek" flavor. He LOVED it.
Me and Cole at dinner. I'm having a Pepsi...the one time a week I drink pop. I'm trying so hard to stop and have been doing very well. It was a nice treat.
Oh this little gem jumped in there...this is the 4th of July and Cole is proudly holding his monster truck firework. It was LOUD!

Here it is blowing up....
Coel with his sparklers.
Here's Mr. Cole running around the greenbelt. He's full of energy!
Cole at the sno-cone place. It's an old caboose. He LOVES it.
Carter and Dad at dinner. Carter was in a hi chair and he went crazy when our food came. He's now learned when everyone sits down at a table it's time to eat....and he loves to eat...

Cole's special dessert treat from Grama Kathy and Grandpa Bob. After he finished his dinner he enjoyed his candy. He is soooo spoiled! But I LOVE it.