Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Week in Smithlandia

Cole's big project for March was to do a report on a favorite bird and then either draw the bird or cut out pictures of the bird and make a collage. Cole drew the bald eagle for his report and included a bunny in the drawing. He received an A+ on the project. 

Upon picking Cole up from school we then proceeded to sing to Katy Perry's new CD and Cole performed "Air Guitar" in the car. Here he is debuting his moves. Carter is doing "Jazz Hands" here. 

Cole also had a dentist appointment and he did not have any cavities. Score for Mom and Dad!

The finale to Sunday afternoon is the Oscar Mayer Weiner Mobile came to our city. Amazing. 

The kids ended up with whistles and a sticker. 

Sunday night dinner included Poulet en Cocotte Bonne Femme from Julia Child. This is just a fancy way to say chicken with potatoes and onions. It was devine. Delish. We've eaten it for 2 days. 
Tonight however is TACO TUESDAY.