Monday, June 13, 2011

Fun Stuff So Far

So far our summer has been just fantastic. We really haven't had that great of weather. The warmest temp we've seen has been in the high 70's and of course wind always accompanies it.  This week Cole is signed up for a Summer Science Camp at EITC (East Idaho Technical College) So naturally Cole thinks he's going to college at 6 years old. For some reason...I see no reason to discourage this. I mean....hello...let's be excited about school. Yes. Very good indeed. This week is Rainforest's and next week is Bug Fun. Carter was a little miffed that he could not stay too for all the you can see below. Poor Carter. We returned home to more fun...such as potty training.....bribery with gum. Eh. Not so shabby.

Cole is learning to swim....since he didn't know how below...I made sure he had a life vest instead. For 2 feet of water. Hey, whatever makes him feel good.  I'm holding onto some bit of being a little boy...since today he told me that he's going into 2nd grade so he needs to drop the "mmy" of Mommy and just call me "Mom". Eek. That doesn't sound very good to me!

And of course......the bug is back to life and in full working order.....

2 little boys are pretty happy to have a fun project now with their dad.