Monday, July 18, 2011

Carter's turn to learn how to ride a bike

Last July it was time for Cole to learn to ride his bike. Cole did just that and here (click the word to read about it) is where I told the story. 

This July it was Carter's turn to learn to ride his bike. However, Carter is 2 and Cole WAS 5. 
So Carter will first learn with his training wheels on. 

Cole made sure Carter knew it wasn't scary but fun and showed him how he could so proudly ride from one driveway to the next. 

Cole is allowed to go the length of the yard-drive way to drive way-and he does
 just that with a big smile on his face the entire time. 

Carter requested a quick tune-up on his training wheels and Chris was happy to check everything out. 

Cole and Whitney hung around to make sure Carter was ready to go. 

Carter was ready to go and hasn't stopped since.