Thursday, September 20, 2012

Happy 8th Birthday Cole

Cole turned 8 on Tuesday. We of course were very excited and planned all sorts of fun activities for him. We took him to Johnny Carino's Monday night as a preface to the rest of the week of fun. 
Sunday night after the kids were in bed I went back to give Cole one more good night love and as usual (and I know all parents feel this way) I was overwhelmed with the feeling of love as it swelled in my chest. Hugging your kids is the best thing in the world. Although, Cole does have to remind me not to get too crazy when I hug him good-bye in the mornings. His friends are around of course.... (and so it begins...)
But that night was the first night that I also felt a twinge of pain when I hugged him. Pain that he's really growing up. That I want to freeze time. Literally. No. More. Growing. Just stay a little boy bundled up in jammies and his favorite soft blanket.

I know this is normal. Kids grow up. It's the goal to raise good people from small people. But for the first time......I really didn't want him to grow anymore. Really. Like. Stop. 

The years are going too fast. I recall his 5th birthday like it was literally 5 minutes ago. So the twinge of pain was that reminder to cherish the moment. Every moment.

Cole is something else. He's the most creative and thoughtful child. When he plays Flag Football he is the leader of the team in terms of cheering on other players and checking to make sure players who have fallen are not hurt. He encourages his team mates and strives to do his best. Every minute.
 He takes his play and school work very seriously and he's so bright. 

We are so proud of Cole. He's a wonderful boy and I am so glad to be present to know him and love him.
I thank God everyday for that.