Saturday, March 7, 2009


We have been on the go go go it seems. So here are some pics from the last week and a 1/2. We took a day trip to Salt Lake City last week and the kids were very good. Cole was very excited to take a road trip and Carter mostly slept the whole way. Carter is now big enough to ride in the front of his stroller and he enjoyed sitting up and watching the world very much! 

Keeping in tradition....we found a new brewery to try out. Here we are at Red Rock in SLC. I had french toast and sausage and Chris had a mushroom sandwich and fries! Cole had pizza. It was great. The best of all worlds!

Carter is close to sitting up by himself. He also has three more teeth coming in. He has his right eye tooth  and two bottom teeth. This morning we noticed his two top teeth are coming in and the left eye tooth. Good grief! What a cutie!!! 

We got Cole some new pajamas while in SLC and he put everything on at once. So he's wearing both tee shirts, the pants, and the shorts........he's pretty cute. Carter just had cereal and both kids are about to go to bed for the night.