Cole is the happiest 4 year old I have ever met (I'm not biased at all!)
Last week we had some warmer weather and Cole was very anxious to play outside. He had a picnic and played with his tractor. After a little bit he even asked if we could set up his swimming pool. It wasn't quite that warm! I am so excited for this summer. We are going to plant a big garden so we can have fresh veggies all summer long. Cole has already started a long list of what he wants to plant. He's quite the helper.
Chris and I are looking forward to a relaxing weekend. We have been so busy. I've wrapped up quite a few projects this week so I'm feeling much more relaxed. I hope I have a break for a little while at least! Tonight is the Ag Hall of Fame. It's my third year putting together the presentation for the Hall of Famers. It will be a long night. The presentation goes for 3 hours! Carter attended a few of the planning meetings with me...we had a few nice lunches with around 20 old farmers from SE Idaho. He was a good baby of course! I can take him anywhere. He is so good and content!
Carter is trying desperately to crawl. He can somewhat pull himself up on his knees but he just rocks back and forth and then lies back down. I'm sure it won't be long and he'll be off....then I'm going to be in big trouble!
Below are more pictures of Cole playing outside with his John Deere tractor. My brothers, Frank and David and Mom and step-dad Drew gave the tractor to him for his
3rd birthday. If we let him he would sleep with it. He also has to wear his John Deere sweatshirt from Uncle Frank and Jamie when he drives it around. He loves to scoop up sand and cruise around the yard with it and then bring it back and dump it out.
and yes....I have pink water sprinklers....