Wednesday, April 1, 2009


This week was a doozy! Cole switched classrooms because we were having some problems with a little boy that is very hyper-active. Put Cole and this boy together and it was a little much for the teacher to handle. I wanted Cole to stay in his class and the other child to be moved...but the mother of the other child is the aide in the 2nd pre-school classroom so Cole had to move. I was not happy about this...Cole has been with the same teacher and students for 2 years...but like they say (the psychologists) kids are resilient and bounce just fine. Monday morning came and I told Cole he would be switching classes. We had prepped him a little bit and I was trying to keep it low key because I knew he would be upset. We've been to countless birthday parties and had plenty of fun with the kids in his current class. As the teacher was moving his cubby and name tag to the new class Cole was trying to be brave. He was very somber and looked to be holding back tears. I thought I would cry too. I couldn't help him in this situation. I think it was almost harder for me to watch than it was for Cole. I kissed him good-bye and sent him into his new class and ran to the car crossing my fingers he would adjust fine....and guess what? He did. He was so excited when I picked him up because he could do "guest and host" now. The other child was a bit of a bully and would take over the projects Cole wanted to do in the classroom. The "guest and host" activity has the kids set a table for a tea party-have the tea party-then they clean up and wash the the sink..with dish soap and water! It's so cute! Everything is child size so they sit at a small table and then use a small size kitchen to clean up. The point is to teach them real practical skills on being a host or guest and then cleaning up. "Guest and host" saved the day for Cole. I think he will do great in his new classroom.

So I'm realizing...Cole is just not a baby anymore. He's a little boy...and everyday is going too fast! I am so glad I can spend so much time with him... I know I will look back and be glad I could be there when he needed me or not!

So here are some pictures...they aren't in order of age...just random pics I wanted to share!

When we first moved into our house December (12-07). Cole is now 6-8 inches taller than the counter. (we were moving in...that's why the counter is such a mess...)
Summer 06
First Pam...she cut Chris' hair when he was Cole's age..she still does Chris hair and will be cutting Cole's hair on Thursday for David's wedding.
Cole's 1st birthday. He's in the bath-tub! He fell down at his party and bonked his head...that is why he has the big red mark on his head. :(
Cole-Age 1-in his Notre Dame jersey from Aunt Julia. I can't believe my cousin Christina is graduating from ND this year! Time goes way too fast
Cole having crackers at Grama Kathy's. He is 1 1/2
Back to his first hair-cut!

Around Christmas time 06
Sleeping with Pooh-He just turned 1
This is my FAVORITE pictures of Cole. Look at those knobby knees! He's really grown since this picture here.

I just love that kid...