Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Cole is practicing football here.....and also playing in his sandbox. He likes to mulit-task.

Speed Racer helmet courtesy of Grandpa Bob! It's an original hand painted specialty!
"There's nasty grass in my sandbox!" said Cole.
Ah...Mr. Carter soaking up some rays (sidenote: I slathered him in SPF 70 from Aveeno Baby! both kids!) 

Perfect little nose!!!
Carter has 7 (yes seven!) teeth. 4 on top and 3 on bottom...and the teeth on top...they are big and have a big space between them. He has the CUTEST smile!
Cole attacking Carter...Carter laughing hysterically!
Alright...here's Carter's attempt at crawling..he has a  "special" technique....but he does manage to get where he would like!!!
Here we go.....

And he's off....like a camel...or something.......
And he's back in perfect form.......
And resting.....
And then he rolled over and I managed to snap this perfect photo!
Great Grandma Mabel (she's 95!) gave me this swing when I was little. Cole has loved it and asked if we could bring it outside so he could sit with Carter while I sat in my chair. (She would be Cole and Carter's GREAT GREAT GRANDMA)

Cole asks me often why she can't hear him...and then he tells me "she's REALLY really old!" 
