Thursday, May 21, 2009
This afternoon Cole, Carter, and I took our first walk and bike ride of 2009. It is a very nice day and I was excited to get out and go for a walk. We've been lucky to have such nice weather (except for the days with the 40mph wind gust). Chris and I have been really working hard on our yard also so I wanted to post a picture of our progress. I planted some hydrangea plants and they are thriving and I see some blossoms getting ready to grow. Hydrangeas are my very favorite flower. I had 4 plants at our 12th street house and I really miss them. Anyways...our tree is blossoming white flowers and smells so good. We are going to do some more yard work on Saturday. Tomorrow is our 5 year anniversary! I can't even believe it's been 5 years. Totally awesome. We are going to go to Salt Lake City on Sunday and enjoy ourselves. I'm really looking forward to it.
Here are the kiddies. Carter giggled and squealed the entire time we were out walking and Cole rode his bike very well.