Monday, April 19, 2010


The weather here has been pretty awesome for a few days. Yesterday it was in the 70's so we have been taking as much advantage as we can because I'm sure it will snow again because...that is how Idaho rolls.

We had signed Cole up for YMCA soccer after missing the deadline for AYSO soccer. (All these different things I am learning as a Mom) anyways....last Monday was the first night of soccer so in regular fashion we bought him new shoes, shorts, and socks for the first night of soccer and here he is waiting for his coach to arrive with his jersey...don't let the tee shirt fool you...he is a total monkey...
all the time! 

Carter also could not wait to run Chris was busy chasing after him. 

Here the kids are playing....

So what we didn't realize upon registering for YMCA soccer was where they would be playing. My initial thought was "awesome, indoor soccer we won't be cold or wet" that was until we found the indoor soccer arena and even upon pulling into the parking lot...Chris and I were nervous. The parking lot was littered with glass from broken beer bottles and the building was a beat up metal structure. So keeping an open mind (trying not to be a total snob) we carefully found the best spot carefully and unloaded and locked our car. Inside wasn't much better but again.....thinking the best....the coach arrived and the kids played. It wasn't until it was time to go and my mom discovered her back window had ben smashed in and her purse stolen that the full view and feeling that we were in the GHETTO fully reared it's head. So after calling the police and assuring Cole everything was OK we went to pick up Whitney and my mom and Drew dealt with the police. 

Needless to say. Cole is cancelled out of that soccer league and I received a refund on the program. The YMCA did offer to let him play for free and promised me they would take measures to keep the facility safe ( the numerous razor sharp pieces of metal inside the arena that children could slice their hands name a few....) but we declined. I absolutely will not return to that arena and would not feel safe. What a shocking experience. 

So that was Monday..the rest of the week turned out pretty GRAND. 

Cole's school had a book fair at Barnes and Noble and we showed up 2 minutes late and dashed Cole in. Unfortunately the kids only sang for 3 minutes....but we ended up with a few photos. 

Sunday we had a picnic at Tautphaus Park and went to the zoo. Talk about a WONDERFUL afternoon. One of my favorite days ever. 

Why...he always has to make a silly face....goof ball!

This is Cole's bubble gun from Grandma and Grandpa Wyllie. Cole loved running around spraying bubbles everywhere and Carter was trying to catch them....

Then we went to see the animals. We have such an awesome zoo. 

The turtle was the all time favorite this time around....

Cole loved watching him crawl around....

and the otters are just cuter than cute.