Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cole's Birthday is Saturday

Hello everyone!

As you all know our little Coley turns 6
 (I can't even believe it I want to cry my eyeballs out and jump for hooray all at the same time)

So here's the scoop on the party plans. Cole will have his first birthday party at 10:00 am at the Tautphaus Park Zoo and you are all invited. This is the party with his school friends.

Then we will have another party for him in Butte, MT at la casa de Richards
(Chris' grandparents) at 11:00 am Sunday.

We will return to Idaho Falls on Sunday and the final party will be at la casa de Smith on Thursday at 6:00 pm for everyone to join us. This way we cover all the bases! 

Party like it's 1999!!! er.......................2010 and our baby is turning 6!