Thursday, December 22, 2011

Madison's Graduation-Updated

Earlier today I posted these photos but I didn't provide any captions so I'm now updating this with some information to explain what is what. I was happy to get the photos on the blog----I spent the morning working on a big project for my well as chasing kids in and out of the bathtub and trying to convince Cole to make his bed. What is it with Christmas vacation? Apparently Cole thinks all bets are off on chores. Oy vey. 

We were waiting for the graduation to Cole and Carter decided to see if they could pat their heads and rub their bellies. It was hilarious.

Some of the family....

My Mom had red carnations for the boys to give to Madison.

Which they promptly did.

Ah. They love Aunt Madi.

Cole and Carter also wanted to see Madison throw her hat she is throwing it up here.

What is the most appropriate thing one must do after graduation at BYU-I?
It has to be lunch at Olive Garden. It was pretty darn fun.