Monday, June 29, 2009


I just love summer. My potted plants are doing very well. I planted a hydrangea this year and as soon as it blooms I'll post pictures. Hydrangea's are my absolute favorite flower and they are not easy to grow here in Idaho Falls. It's alot of work! The yard is coming together and Chris has done a great job with the lawn. We just hope the neighbors get it together and put grass in sooner than later. I'm getting annoyed with the constant dust and dusting that has to be done....

This morning...Carter loves to crawl all over. He is also pulling himself up on anything he can get his hands around. He hasn't tried to take any steps yet but he does stand without holding on briefly here and there. I'm anxious for him to walk...but I'm also enjoying him right where he's at...I don't want him to grow up too fast...he's almost 11 months old.

Cole's shirt says...."I run on SUPER POWER".....wouldnt' have ever guessed......