Friday, September 18, 2009


It's with tears in my eyes that I say "Cole is 5!" I am both excited for him and also sad that the last five years have zooomed by so fast. I am so excited for him to grow but I am also trying to hold onto every minute of his childhood. I know someday he will be a teenager and he won't want to cuddle up in bed with me in the mornings or have me help him pick out his shirt to wear.

This morning we opened gifts and my Aunt Anne sent him a book, Where the Wild Things Are with a stuffed animal of one of the "wild things". Upon opening it Cole immediately climbed into my lap and asked me to read it to him. He was in his pajamas with crazy hair and morning breath. We read the book and he clutched his new stuffed toy with such excitement...then Chris served him a pancake breakfast on his favorite monkey plate. Cole smiled and giggled and told me, "Momma, I'm 5 today!"

This is what life is all about.

(he is wearing his "I'm 5 Today" sticker/badge from Grandpa Coke and Grandma Tamara. He was pretty excited to put that on and in fact waited until AFTER he had brushed his teeth so it wouldn't get dirty)