Saturday, February 19, 2011

Open mouth insert foot

The setting: We are at Cole's monthly scout pack meeting (he earned his bobcat and tiger badge) and I'm standing in line with another mom and we are having a light conversation about a new exhibit that is coming to our Museum. It's a little contorversial just because the touring company can't specifically identify or verify that the bodies in the very well known BODIES exhibit gave permission for their bodies to be sliced and diced. Anyways....there are specific portions of the exhibit that focuses on health. 
A pair of smokers lungs are in the exhibit. 

I blurt out: "I can't wait for Cole to see what smoker's lungs look like. 
Hopefully he'll never pick up the awful habit!" 

The nice mom I'm talking to looks at me and nicely says: "Ya, I really should quit."