Saturday, August 22, 2009


I finally got it together and registered Cole for soccer. He is so so so excited! Chris and I are so so so excited too! His games will be every Saturday from 1:00-2:30. For those who are paying attention.....that's 1 1/2 hours of non stop running and playtime for Cole. Yahoo! Did I mention Cole has alot of energy...that is we are so excited for him to be part of a team and to have an outlet for that energy....besides running around the backyard and playing with his slip-n-slide.

Here is Carter watching Cole play soccer with Chris. I am sipping a yummy drink watching them all. Oh, I love summer.

I put the hat on Carter's head and this is what happened.
Cole and Chris. Cole's coach handed out their uniforms and Cole is #6. So we headed over to Sports Authority and picked out his soccer cleats and shin guards...the minute we walked into the house he stripped and changed into his uniform and headed right outside with his soccer ball from Grandpa Coke.
Cole and Chris again.
Cole is a SUPERSTAR.
Taking a rest. (patio stuff in the background...sorry!)

Rest to the slip-n-slide.
Taking a breather....notice the pirate tattoo....this morning it started to wash off in his bubble bath and there were some tears....he loves it!
That night...this is bedtime...we are reading "Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me Too!" by Shel Silverstein. This is Cole's favorite bedtime story....because each time we read the word tickle we respectably...tickle him....alot! It's so so so much fun. I'm surprised he can go to sleep after our tickle attack.

While Cole was having his bedtime stories...Chris was filming his crib...doing his new trick. There is a Part 1 and Part 2. Part 2 picks up after Carter totally falls down in his crib....but he's 1/2 way crying 1/2 way's soooo funny.....Carter is kinda a klutz.