Sunday, August 9, 2009
Oh......the festival is over. I am soo glad! Here are some more pictures from the festival.
Graffiti City. Ryan was the Tent Leader here along with my cousin Matt.
Cole is painting his name in black. Look closely you can see C-O-L...
Me helping Cole.
Ryan in the background in his YJ shirt and Matt with a volunteer giving Cole his paint. He choose black.
The paint covered picnic benches.
Uncle Shaun and Cole. Couldn't do YJ without the Smith boys that's for sure!
Shaun, Cole, in front of Aunt Lisa's tent (it's a family affair!) with Sadie, Whitney, Chris and Carter (in the stroller)
Cole at Unbeatable Beads.
Cole at the Xtreme Xylophone. This is layered with a few inches of the kids paint and then play it then paint it and then play it.....
Hm...where should I go next?
Grandpa Drew in the background...Cole working out his rhythm's on the xylophone.
Dad and Carter.
Carter. Almost 1
Cole again at the xylophone. He loved it!